Thursday, August 15, 2013

How to write a book

Before diving in, here's a quick disclaimer -- I can't offer any insight into how to make your book successful. Try sleeping with an agent, and once that's done murder your publisher. That should get everyone's attention nicely. Although if you're ready to go to that extreme, do everyone a favor and make sure either E. L. James or Stephanie Meyer are your "publisher..."

Preferably both of them, if you can.

But back to the point. I've just illustrated the first and only likely reason you'll never finish your novel. Distractions. Well either that or you'll never get to writing at all. Even so, why will that be? Distractions.

Writing isn't that much fun and there will always be a host of activities you'll rather be doing. More specifically these distractions will fall into three realms: the internet, the television, and the thing you have between your legs. Regardless, it's all procrastination and all averted by ORGANIZATION AND ROUTINE. Those are the most important skills an author can develop... aside from the ability to actually write or tell a story.

My point is, there is no romance to the writing process. Life is not a montage -- the details cannot be ignored or brushed aside. "Writing" is work, for many a job, and the objective of work and a job aren't to entertain or amuse yourself but to produce something.

So find your time, know what you will accomplish within it, and have no tolerance for distraction during it. Unplug your router, lock your door, put your earbuds in, and write.

It's easy enough said, much harder done.

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